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Skating away on the thin ice of a new day

23 April, 2020

Suddenly, we sneaked into a science fiction movie. Or rather, in a chapter of “Black Mirror“. The imaginative dystopia scenario that the writers of the series develop would have a vein with the current situation to create a chapter as they usually do: from a perspective social and human with a technological backdrop.

And it is that these days it is curious to observe how they are projected in the virtual, or at least it is tried, the daily customs of the real. And they are things that have come to stay. Making virtual group meetings could already be done for a long time, but these days things have evolved into unimagined situations, many of which we would never have done a video call now we do it naturally, we do things like toasting with a friend hitting the glass against the desktop screen.

Edit video on your own computer was something that could be done for almost 20 years, but now the ingenuity is sharpened to do magnificent movies in no time, such as showing all the musicians of an orchestra to perform a work each from their home, dancers a ballet or even full festivals with various artists. To shoot a short movie or even a series. The networks are literally filled with people singing, painting, performing as never before, I feel as described in the verse of that song by Jethro Tull, skating away (on the thin ice of a new day):

“Well, do you ever get the feeling
That the story's too damn real
And in the present tense?
Or that everybody's on the stage
And it seems like you're the only
Person sitting in the audience?”

2020 David G. Bonacho   Some rights reserved Licencia de Creative Commons
This post is published under a Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs-International.
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