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Premiere of "Tullidos"

3 May, 2018

The next day May 23 "a new play with music by David G. Bonacho is premieres:" Tullidos” (in Sala Tarambana Madrid), with direction and dramaturgy by Manu Medina. The work opens within the sample Surge Madrid. "Tullidos" is a showed play in the theatre of the absurd and is the story of loneliness and deceit, lies and agreed repetitions, fear of change.

Direction and dramaturgy: Manu Medina
Assistant Director: Enrique Boix
Crew: Cristo Barbuzano, Eva Bedmar, Javier Crespo y Eduart Mediterrani
Assistant to the artistic director: Nacho Bonacho
Movement consultant: Aruna Nisad
Lighting design: Gustavo Recuero
Set design: Animatronics
Costume design: Ramón García del Pomar
Original music and sound space: David G. Bonacho
Technician: Sara Esquivel
Photography: Juan Carlos Gargiulo
Graphic design: Tizedit
Production: Elis Budakova y Eva Bedmar

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