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Saviors (Original Short Film Soundtrack)

26 December, 2020

On the last day of this strange year, the soundtrack that I composed during lockdown for the great short film made by my child Nacho and his classmates from the CEV ' “Bachelor in 3D Content Creation for Animation, Games and VFX” of the last year. A great 3D animation short that only needed to have custom composed music to be completely original. I was not really sure that I would submit it, much less publish it but, in the end, and with the professional mastering by Pablo Laguna, you will have it on platforms on the last day of this 2020. A small soundtrack for a great short that you can pre-save and have it on the same day 31 in your Spotify New Releases. clicking here. Tons of thanks, I wish you a happy 2021 to keep going! clicking here. Tons of thanks, I wish you a happy 2021 to keep going!

And here you can watch the short-film with the original music

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