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New song included in compilation “Infinite Chillout Music (Flow of Relaxing Ambient)”

3 June, 2018

Gracias a Rehegoo por incluir mi composición “TTL (Time to live)” en la compilación “Infinite Chillout Music (Flow of Relaxing Ambient)”. Tema que cierra la compilación. Listen to it on Spotify.

"Other songs "Ambient" like, I've done have been included by Rehegoo in his compilations, such as"Escape From Reality (Best Inspiring & Uplifting Music, Beautiful Instrumental Relax)" where has it included"Escuchando al silencio

"Also featured the track "Escuchando al silencio" on the compilation album"Discover Calm chillout realms: path of relaxing ambient”

also included"TTL (Time to live)"on the album"The Very Best of Soothing Tunes (Instrumental New Age Music for Deep Relaxation and Mind Free)

"The song" TTL (Time To Live) "has been included on the album of Rehegoo"Feel Relaxing Chillout Sunday Zone (Holiday Ambient Cafe Lounge)

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