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Mundo BSO the largest site of film music reviews in the world

22 February, 2019

Recently, we have discovered a post in the web in which they referencing to the soundtrack of the short film Libby, composed by David G. Bonacho. This has been a very pleasant surprise and it is worth mentioning that he speaks quite well of Mundo BSO and of the immense work that he develops, such that they are even capable of covering even the soundtracks of composers that are outside the mainstream.

It goes without saying that this attitude is beneficial for the opportunity that many composers are given to be recognized for their work. Congratulations to Mundo BSO and many thanks.

Review of "Libby" on the website of Mundo BSO
David G. Bonacho's page in Mundo BSO


Related news: Best music score award for "Libby" in the Monthly International Film Festival - June 2016

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